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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fingers Crossed

Still no babies.  Monday's appointment was pretty pointless... Our regular doctor was still out of the office and we ended up waiting almost two hours to see a different doctor who didn't want to make any decisions.  Tomorrow, we are seeing our regular doctor for sure, so I'm hoping that she will either send us to the hospital or at least give us a date.  J is hoping for Saturday because of her work schedule, but I'm fine with anything as long as it's soon

I seem to be incapable of sleeping at night lately.  I don't know if it's because J isn't here or if it's because of the nightly dance parties going on in my belly that go from around 11pm to 3am.  I have a feeling these babies are going to be nocturnal.  Eeek.

Crossing my fingers that I'll get to meet these little guys within the new few days!

On another note, what the hell is wrong with Flas.h Player?  Nothing is working and I want to watch shows on!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Wasting Time

My blood pressure has been getting progressively worse, yet I'm still just sitting here at home.  I had another appointment this morning and my BP was 150/100.  The doctor (not my regular one - she's out of town this week) sent me to the hospital for a couple hours of monitoring, which involved a cuff on my arm that automatically took my BP every ten minutes.  They also took some blood and had me pee in a cup (always with the peeing!) and then sent me home once the results came back within the acceptable range.  I'm sorry, but what was the point of that?  I can understand being sent to the hospital if I had been complaining about contractions or something like that, but WOW this was a waste of time.  Maybe I'm just cranky because I'm bored and sick of being on bed rest?  I don't know.  I'm not just a fan of going to the hospital if nothing is going to actually happen. 

Next appointment is on Thursday with yet another doctor I've never met.  Everyone seems to think I'm going to have the babies on Thursday, but I completely disagree.  I have a feeling I'll get to 37 weeks and the doctor will be like "You're doing so well that you can TOTALLY go another week!!!"  And then I will cry.

Wow, I'm really whiny today.  I'm so grateful to be pregnant and I don't mean to imply otherwise.  I am just really ready to meet these two little creatures who have been kicking my ribs and sitting on my bladder for the past 35 1/2 weeks!  I'm not a fan of sitting around doing nothing... Unless it's by choice, of course. :)


P.S. I have no idea if anyone reads this, but if you do, please click on the little "Team Linus" picture on the right and send them positive thoughts!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Captain's Log: Day 9

I'm currently sitting here watching some terrible Lifetime movie about pie.  Yes, pie.  I think one of the guys from Clueless is in this.  That's gotta mean it's a quality movie, right?

Had an appointment on Monday and everything looked about the same as last week, blood pressure-wise.  They are having me do a 24 hour urine thing (to get an exact number of the amount of protein), which has been tons of fun so far.  I just love carrying a big jug-o-piss up and down the stairs every time I have to pee!  Oh, and it has to be refrigerated.  Earlier, J yelled from the kitchen to inform me that she moved my pee jug behind the milk.  Eww.  Of course, it's back in front of the milk now since I have to pee every 12 minutes.  Next appointment is tomorrow morning, so jug-o-pee and I will be off to the doctor's office! 

Okay, enough about my pee.  J is not-so-secretly hoping that the babies will have to be delivered tomorrow... I don't think it will happen, but I love that she's so excited to meet them (I am, too).  Plus, she knows that when babies come, her parents will fly out here, so I think that's another reason she is so anxious for babies to arrive!  Both of our families live on the opposite side of the country, so visits are few and far between.  It will be nice to see everyone.

The downstairs pack-n-play has been built and living room has been cleaned.  My friend is coming over this weekend to help us get the rest of the house organized, so that will be good.  We have all the baby clothes and blankets and whatnot put away, but it still seems like there is "stuff" everywhere. No matter how many times we clean the babies' room, it always seems like there is more crap all over the floor.  We're planning on moving to a bigger house in May or June, but for now, everything is going to be pretty cramped.  It's crazy that babies are so tiny yet manage to take up so much space!!

I'm hungry.  Shrimp cocktail and scallops wrapped in bacon sound absolutely divine right now, but alas, I don't have either of them.  I guess I'll go see what's in the fridge... Besides my pee, of course.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bed Rest

Well, it's been approximately 27 years since we've posted on here.  I love reading other people's blogs (even though I'm always too shy to comment!) and I guess I keep forgetting that I have my own.  Oops.

I'm 34 weeks today and was diagnosed with pre eclampsia at yesterday morning's appointment.  Oh fun!    Both babies are doing well, but my blood pressure was 152/90 and there was protein in my urine.  And I apparently gained 20 pounds of fluid in two weeks!  Holy shit!  After the appointment, J and I went to my office to talk to my boss and pass off my work to my coworkers.  I can't believe I won't be going back to work until June-ish.  As much as I complain about my job, I'd much rather be there than at home bored out of my mind.

The doctor said that this pushes up the c-section to no later than 37 weeks, so that means that in 3 more weeks, the babies will be here.  Pardon me while I go have a heart attack.  AHHHHHH!!!!  We have pretty much everything we need for the babies, but I'm not sure we're quite emotionally prepared for this.  J is in the middle of a three month long stint of overnight shifts, so I'm going to be on my own at night with two babies... and that scares the crap out of me.  At least it's only temporary, so that's a plus.  Our families will be coming out to visit and to "help", but I have a feeling the only person who will actually help is J's mom.  My mom means well, but she gets too wrapped up in her own dramarama and has trouble focusing on other people.  She's like a permanent 16 year old.  We'll see how it goes.
