Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Ahhhh I never have time to post anything now that I'm back at work.  Here's a brief bullet-pointed rundown on what's happened:
  • We moved into the new place and are now living with our BFF (the one with the baby mama drama)
    • The babies' room is AWESOME.  I need to take some pictures so I can show everyone.  It's huge, so they have a sleep area and a play area, even though they're not quite old enough to have any use for it.
    • There's a nice deck and a huge back yard, so we've been enjoying sitting outside and grilling while the dogs get to run around the yard.
    • We are now only 8 minutes from the city (we timed it today) and our commutes have been cut waaaaaaaaaaaaay down.
  • The babies have been going to day care on Mondays and Fridays and they've been doing really well.
  • H's screaming fits have gotten so much better.  She still has her moments, but there are no more three hour tantrums.
  • G totally sucks at napping, but they are both starting to sleep for longer stretches at night!  They will normally go from around 7 or 7:30pm to anywhere between 1:30am (on a bad night) and 4:30am (on a good night).  G will always eat and go right back to sleep, but H sometimes decides that she wants to cry for a while... But, I can't really complain, because it's a huge improvement over when they were waking up every 2-3 hours.
  • It's weird being back at work.  It's like I never left, because all of the same drama and bullshit is still there and I immediately went back to wanting to throw certain people off a cliff.  I have such a hard time watching people slack off and continue to get rewarded while I work my ass off and get nowhere.  The politics at my office are frustrating and ridiculous.  I applied for a new position (same company; different department) last week, so maybe that will work out... I do like my company; it's my team that I can't stand.
  • We went to see the Pride parade today!  The babies were surprisingly well behaved and we had a really good time.  Everyone in the parade kept running over to see them or take pictures of them... It was pretty funny.  I think it was because H's tutu was rather eye-catching. ;)
I'm sure there's lots I'm forgetting, but here are some pictures: