Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Caved to the pressure!

My boss (yes, my boss) convinced me to listen to Twil.ight on audiobook at work, so I am now on the third book.  Up until now, I had flat out refused to have anything to do with that whole "thing" no matter how many people tried to tell me how fantastic it is.  I will admit, the books aren't as terrible as I thought they would be, but they are still pretty damn ridiculous.  It's kind of like watching a bad scifi movie - it's so bad, it's good.  Or at least somewhat entertaining.

In non-Twili.ght news, the babies have swapped personalities.  H is now the happier of the two and G is really, really cranky all the time!  He still has his smiley moments, but he definitely cries/shrieks more than he used to.  I think I actually preferred it when H was the grumpy one, because she's not nearly as loud as her brother!

This is G's "sad face".  Is it weird that I think he's adorable when he cries?  I feel like that makes me a terrible person!  He turns bright red and just looks so very sad.

This seems to be everyone's favorite picture of H.  We pretend she's waiting for J to come home. ;)

They can both roll over from their tummies and H has shown some interest in sitting up.  She loves her B.umbo seat, but G isn't really a fan.  We tried facing them toward each other when they were in their seats, but they still don't seem to notice each other.  Any idea when they will happen??  Sometimes if one is being loud, the other will sort of look over, but that's about it.  I'm just looking forward to when they can play together.

For the record, we don't make a habit of putting their seats on the coffee table.  We were right there to supervise/hold onto them.

It's pretty gross and rainy outside today.  In Portland??  No way!  We were planning on taking the babies and dogs on a walk to the pet store today, but oh well.  Maybe tomorrow.