Two Little Pickles
Holy Crap... It Worked!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
The kiddos are two now! Yikes! They've been total monsters lately - not listening, whining, fighting with each other All The Time. It's been super duper fun. When they're not being monsters, though, they are pretty amazing. It's so neat to be able to have semi-coherent conversations with them! They are turning into actual people! So weird. I love the ridiculous words they have for things... For example: Hair elastics="monies" (rhymes with ponies) and Chair="sat down" (e.g. "That's MY sat down!!!"). I also enjoy when they try to get each other in trouble by saying "H dooooo!!!" or "G dooooooo!" Guessing that came from us saying "Ok, what did G do?"
We had some professional pics taken for their birthday. I think they came out pretty great. :)
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Guess who's almost two!!
We're taking the plunge and flying with the kiddos in a couple weeks. My step sister lives in TX, so we thought it might be fun to bring H & G to meet her and their new cousin. My dad and step mom are going to fly out from CT to meet us there. Plus, we figured we should do this before their second birthday... Otherwise it would cost twice as much.
The trip itself should be fun, but we're pretty terrified to fly with two not quite 2 year olds. We have portable dvd players, books, our phones, and plenty of stuff for them to play with. But they are not big fans of sitting still for more than a couple minutes at a time. H especially... If she doesn't want to be held, she will definitely let us know by screaming and flailing. Super fun. Hopefully we are seated next to very understanding and kid friendly people!!!
Any tips on flying with toddlers??
... And the obligatory pictures. For the record, they have their own cribs. She just sneaks into his nearly every night once she thinks we won't notice.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Craft Exchange!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Xmas and stuff
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Stationery card

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Here I am!!!
H & G are great. Growing tons and learning new things every day. They're starting to talk more and are just so much fun to be around. They're finally at a stage where I'm really glad we have twins - built in playmate! Not that I wasn't glad to have twins before now, but it was definitely... challenging at times. Sometimes it seems like time is going by a little too fast, though. They are turning into actual kids! Do I have to stop calling them babies soon? I really don't want to. Maybe when they turn 2. Or when they start high school.
They were frogs for Halloween this year. We probably spent way too much on their costumes *again* but the cuteness was totally worth it! And like last year, they'll have awesome hats to wear all winter. Some pumpkin patch pics:
Thanksgiving is going to be ruined, yet again, by J's lovely employer. Can I just say that I hate Black Friday? Hate hate hate hate HATE. Yay for being in retail management. *rolls eyes* It's just sad that my favorite holiday seems to get worse and worse every year because her company has to open at some absurd time of night ON Thanksgiving. I mean really? It's not even Black Friday anymore. It's just... Thanksgiving. But a much crappier version where J is going to have to spend most of the day attempting to get some sleep so she can go to work at 7pm. Awesome.
In other news, the babies - H, G and E (the roomie's kiddo) were apparently super stoked that Obama was reelected. Before you watch this video, though, I must warn you: You will never be able to get this song out of your head.
That's pretty much it. Goodnight!
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday, December 31, 2011
9 Months (and some pictures)
***By the way... The weird mushrooms and trees on the wall came with the house. We did not paint them! There is also a sun on the ceiling and (I shit you not) a "portrait" of what I can only assume is meant to be God around one of the windows (we covered that one up with bookcases). We plan to paint over all the weird crap eventually, but since it's in the library/spare bedroom, we usually just close the door and ignore it.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Now that they're mobile, they are everywhere. They love the dogs and follow them all over the house. This is their favorite place to hang out whenever the dogs are outside: