Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's already been a month??

The babies are a month old!  Crazy!  Little G Man is doing really well.  He is so calm for the most part and only cries when something is actually wrong.  We had a photoshoot the weekend before last and he was happy as a clam when he was all naked and curled up on the pillow with a heater blowing on him.  It was adorable!  H on the other hand was a little terror, but they eventually got her to sleep and took some cute pictures of the babies together.  I can't wait to see the proofs!!!  Side note: Is "proogs" a word?!  I accidentally typed that instead of "proofs" and spell check didn't underline it.  Weird.

We started H on Za.ntac for reflux, but I'm not sure if it's doing much yet.  It's only been a week, so I'm going to give it a few more days and then see if maybe she needs a bigger dose or something.  I've been doing everything I can think of to help her - feeding her in her bouncy seat and then keeping her there for a little while afterward so she's more upright, inclining the crib mattress, giving her "sensitive" formula, gas drops, etc. - but nothing seems to work when she's in the middle of a 2+ hour screaming jag.  I make sure she has a clean diaper, swaddle her, give her a pacifier... nothing works.  Maybe it will just take time for her to grow out of whatever is going on.  I hate feeling so helpless, though!  Poor girl.

I am really starting to remember why I like living on the opposite coast from my family.  It's not that I don't like seeing them (well, most of them), I just hate feeling like I have to "entertain" people for weeks at a time.  I like having my space.  And it would be nice to be able to take a quick nap during the day if the babies decide to give me that opportunity.  Ah well... They leave tomorrow and then I think we're free of visitors for at least a month.  YAY!

This is completely random, but it made me a laugh, so I must share:  My BFF is engaged in a constant war with the blackberry bushes in his back yard.  I guess he went to a home improvement store today to get a new weapon for battle and the sales girl recommended a machete.  He then asked "Is that something you carry here or do I need to go to the serial killer store?"  Okay, maybe I'm just suffering from exhaustion, but that was funny.

Anyway, here's a picture of the little demons in their semi-matching onesies that J is in love with:

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